I first "met" Bronwyn Sutton online as we were sharing our frustration regarding the lack of a consistent means to evaluate the quality of apps designed to be used in education. Bronwyn asked permission to use my Rubric for Apps and took it to the next level. She just recently released a new website that has reviewed over 750 apps using the rubric. You really need to check out her website. Here is an excerpt from her latest email:
Big news!
I have now released a website called “The Learning App Guide to Autism and Education”.
I have evaluated over 750 apps using your rubric. I am passionate about evaluating apps and aligning them with evidence base for children with autism.
The website is www.learningappguide.com
Harry, the work you are doing and your philosophy towards mobile technologies is inspirational.
Kind regards
Bronwyn Sutton
Speech Language Pathologist
The Learning App Guide to Autism and Education
1 1/249 Harts Road, Indooroopilly, 4068
' (07) 3876 9529
6 www.learningappguide.com