South Korea is prepared to spend over 2 billion dollars on tablets for ALL (that’s right, all!) of their students, replacing textbooks in favor of digital content. If you thought we were behind in terms of technology integration in our schools already, get a load of this story. South Korean students, as well as students from other Asian and European countries are already way ahead in terms of their ability to access and use digital information. If we in the United States are to compete on a global scale, we need to ramp up our efforts to provide our children with the same technological advantages being provided to kids in countries like South Korea. The digital divide is growing every day.
Some good news for the US – The Common Core Standards addresses technology and will start to move us in the right direction. Enough, and perhaps as importantly, fast enough? We’ll see… In the coming days, I’ll be sharing my thoughts about the Common Core and the “promise” they potentially have for our students.
Make sure you check out this article from Education Week about the initiative in South Korea:
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