
Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day 2011

It’s the Fourth of July, Independence Day here in the USA! (Sorry to remind our followers in the UK)  While we celebrate the birth of the greatest nation in the world (again my apologies, this time to our followers across the globe), let’s continue to work together to “free” ourselves and our students and declare our “independence” from wires, hubs, data drops, and the like.  Let’s hear it for mobile computing, cloud computing, 3G & 4G and all the G’s to follow.  Go ahead, throw that old desktop out the window and declare “I’m tired of being chained to the wall and I’m not going to take it anymore!”  Oh, and don’t forget to pick up all the pieces when you are done and take them to the local recycling center. 
On second thought, how about on this Independence Day you declare your independence from technology?  Turn off your smart phone and computers (after reading this post of course!)  Go to that family picnic or fireworks display and focus on family and friends without the distractions of email, the internet, the weather channel app, Twitter, Facebook, ESPN sports, Angry Birds, The New York Times,  Words with Friends, CBS Sports, etc., etc. etc.  
On third thought, never mind.   See you in the cloud!

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